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Carnival Competition by Beta Energy


Carnival Competition by Beta Energy

Beta Energy’s “Happiness Game” special for the Orange Blossom Carnival

To participate in Beta Energy’s carnival contest that gives energy and happiness;

* Catch the “Beta Energy Mascots” walking around Atatürk Park on April 17-21 and take your own happiness photo with the mascots.

* Share it on your social media accounts with the hashtag #EnerjimizleMutlulukÜretiyoruz and state the most creative definition of energy for you in the comments,
Follow instagram account.

* Contest results will be announced on @nisandaadanada and @beta.enerji accounts.

Beta Energy’s “Energy Jury” prepared great gifts for the first 3 people who made the best energy definition:
* iPhone14 and Voltgo Energy Card worth 10.000TL for the winner

* Airpods2 and Voltgo Energy Card worth 7,500TL for the runner-up

* Stanley Thermos and Voltgo Energy Card worth 5.000TL for the third place

#betaenergy #aprilada #orangeflowercarnival

Contact Information
(+90) 322 394 42 53
Hacı Sabancı Organize Sanayi Bölgesi Çanakkale Cd. No:11 ADANA / TÜRKİYE
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